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Jo Feary presents teach-in at RCP on work-related asthma

5 March, 2019

Jo Feary presents a teach-in on 'Work-related asthma' at the Royal College of Physicians, in London

Jo Feary presented a teach-in on 'Work-related asthma' at the Royal College of Physicians, in London. 

Teach-ins are held in the evenings and aim to provide an update on advances in clinical practice for doctors in training, consultant physicians, GPs and staff grade doctors wishing to continue their medical education.  They include three talks, each lasting 45 minutes on a particular medical specialty. The meetings are also streamed live (#RCPlive), and are viewed by up to 500 people.

The meeting at which Jo spoke also included talks by Dr Louise Restrick from the Whittington Hospital on COPD, and by Dr Marc Lipman from the Royal Free Hospital on Non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

  • Further details about teach-ins can be seen here; broader details on RCP events are here.