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EPICOH 2017 - Edinburgh

28 August, 2017

Sara De Matteis, Jate Ratanachina and Dr Kate Venables (Oxford University) pictured at EPICOH 2017, held in Edinburgh from 28 to 31 August 2017

Professor Anthony Newman Taylor, Sara De Matteis and Jate Ratanachina attended EPICOH 2017, held in Edinburgh from 28 to 31 August. 

Their contributions included the following (further details of their involvement, such as session-chairing, lecturing and taking part in a panel discussion, can be seen in the programme):

  • Professor Newman Taylor: Keynote Lecture (in Plenary Session 1) entitled “Does epidemiology count?” (photo); also chaired the final plenary discussion session: “Where to from here to inform future policy?”
  • Sara: lecture entitled “The occupations at increased risk of COPD in the UK Biobank Cohort” (photo), and participated in the plenary discussion session on the final day, chaired by Neil Pearce and Damien McElvenny, entitled "Where to from here for occupational epidemiology research?", which received very good feedback - photo
  • Jate: poster about Occupational Medicine Training in Thailand – see photo

Pictured here (from left to right), are Sara and Jate with Dr Kate Venables of Oxford University (a former supervisor of Jate's; and also a former colleague of ours at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College).